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LivingStone International University continues to grow in its role of transforming the nations of Africa. Students from nine nations have studied in the five schools of business, education, media, information technology, and ministry. Eleven academic programs are offered with many new ones to come. Most importantly, though, students are mentored into a relationship with Jesus Christ and baptized. Then the mission passes on to them of being disciples that make other disciples, everywhere they go after graduating. LIU is in need of a funding plan by which LivingStone can secure its future. For more than twelve years, hundreds of individuals and many churches and foundations have invested in LIU to sustain this wonderful mission in Africa. Now is the time to grow this great university’s capacity. This can be accomplished through LIU’s newly minted Foundation Circle. The leaders of LIU are searching for those ready to take part in the future of God’s Kingdom in Africa.


What is AMPLIFY L.I.U?

Amplify L.I.U. is the capital campaign designed to secure investment for growing campus in Mbale, Uganda. The future of LivingStone is dependent on developing the campus to equip a larger student body for a greater eternal impact for the Kingdom of God in Africa.

The underdeveloped campus is preventing a permanent charter from the Ugandan National Committee for Higher Education to be granted.

There are two phases for the Amplify LIU campaign:

Establishes LIU as a credible university by building the long-awaited Administration building
Establishes LIU as a credible university by building the long-awaited Administration building
Gives LIU the room to grow with enough dormitories for up to 500 in-residence students and total student population of 1000.
Gives LIU the room to grow with enough dormitories for up to 500 in-residence students and total student population of 1000.

An Eternal Investment

Universities are among the choice organizations for many conscientious donors. And among universities, LivingStone is set apart as an opportunity with a high rate of return on investment due to the low cost of construction in Africa.

Investing in the eternal is what Ampify LIU is all about. Through increased capacity of programs and students the spread of discipleship will multiply. The mission of L.I.U. will be achieved, that of ‘Transforming the Nations of Africa’. That will be an unparalleled return on investment.

Prayer Power

LIU’s history of growth began in prayer over the land. Now, as in the beginning, prayer is needed for this new campaign and the future of LivingStone. It is through prayer, as we read in John 14:12,13 that God will be glorified:

“Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

Prayers are needed for God’s provision. God can move the hearts of those who have the capacity to donate to the construction of LivingStone’s next generation. And God will be glorified for his provision.

Dream of L.I.U. Growth

LivingStone has come a long way in its twelve years. It has grown in reputation for quality of education. The level of integrity and professional capacity of its students is well known and many are hired before completing internships. Of the almost 500 graduates, over 80% of them are employed.

Many of them came to believe in Jesus while on campus and most, if not all, grew in their faith and serve Him still. Now they are tasked with taking the hope of Jesus with them, wherever they go.

With 343 students, L.I.U. has its largest enrollment ever, offers eleven diploma and degree programs in five schools. All this is functioning in only seven buildings on a campus of about fifty acres.

What will L.I.U Become

With a few additional buildings, student capacity can double; new schools for nursing, agriculture, and engineering can launch; and improved student life activities will begin. L.I.U. will then draw students from other nations desperately needing the Gospel.

The university will be seen as an important part of the higher education landscape for East Africa. Most importantly, thousands of future students’ lives will change through discipleship to Jesus

Christ. Then, thousands upon thousands will learn of God’s love from those graduates and God’s Kingdom will come and His will be done in Africa as in heaven.

AMPLIFY Timeline

AMPLIFY - admin building plan
April 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025 $1,200,000 already committed with US AID grant; $2,800,000 additional needed by August 25, for Admin building with current estimated costs $4,000,000;
April 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025 $1,200,000 already committed with US AID grant; $2,800,000 additional needed by August 25, for Admin building with current estimated costs $4,000,000;


  • A formal admin building provides offices, meeting rooms and additional classrooms.
  • Frees up current admin offices and classrooms to be used as dormitories
  • Gives L.I.U. the credibility it needs in East Africa
August 1, 2025 to July 31, 2029 $7,200,000 by December 31, 2029;
August 1, 2025 to July 31, 2029 $7,200,000 by December 31, 2029;


  • New Classrooms
  • New Dormitories
  • New Library
  • Sports Facilities
  • Housing for Guests

Ways You Can Get Involved:


One-time or monthly recurring gifts via credit card or bank draft by visiting our donate page:

ACH transfer

For complete bank transfer information contact



Livingstone International University
PO Box 820097
Fort Worth, TX 76182


You can donate securities to LIU as well. The tax deductible donation will be received in
less than 48 hours.

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