LivingStone International University continues to grow in its role of transforming the nations of Africa. Students from nine nations have studied in the five schools of business, education, media, information technology, and ministry. Eleven academic programs are offered with many new ones to come. Most importantly, though, students are mentored into a relationship with Jesus Christ and baptized. Then the mission passes on to them of being disciples that make other disciples, everywhere they go after graduating. LIU is in need of a funding plan by which LivingStone can secure its future. For more than twelve years, hundreds of individuals and many churches and foundations have invested in LIU to sustain this wonderful mission in Africa. Now is the time to grow this great university’s capacity. This can be accomplished through LIU’s newly minted Foundation Circle. The leaders of LIU are searching for those ready to take part in the future of God’s Kingdom in Africa.

“For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ.”
I Corinthians 3:11
What is the Foundation Circle?
For LIU to move forward it is imperative to establish annual support that covers the yearly operating costs of the university. Presently, and for the near future, the average annual operating budget should remain about $1,000,000.
In order to secure this annually, we will enlist the support of one hundred investors willing to give at least $10,000 per year for an ideal commitment of ten years. This would secure LivingStone’s budget, covering her operating needs through honored pledges into 2033.
The Foundation Circle will establish a level of sustainability that will bolster the future of LIU.
How Does The Foundation Circle Move Livingstone Forward?
Working together, we will achieve something immeasurable for LivingStone and the future of God’s Kingdom in Africa. By securing the pledged donations that meet the demands of the annual operations budget; a reprieve of sorts is found that grants our leaders a great opportunity. It is the opportunity to pursue funding for growth that is necessary to move LIU ahead.
First, it makes the Amplify LIU capital campaign possible. It will allow our teams to focus their attention on securing the $10,000,000 needed to expand the campus. The forty-nine acres, that we have in Mbale, Uganda, have the room to grow our facilities to serve as many as one thousand students. The first priority, though, would include the remaining $2,800,000 needed to construct the Administration building, for which a grant of over one million has already been secured.
Second, we must plan for the sustainability of LIU long – term. The plan for this is the LivingStone beyond endowment fund. This fund has the capacity to secure the university by providing endowment money to pay the costs of operations on an annual basis. It is a real answer that most universities utilize to secure their future and with LIU’s annual costs being so low, it can be established with approximately $20,000,000.
All in all, by establishing the Foundation Circle of LIU, the university will have ten years to grow the funding that can ensure its longevity for decades to come.

When pledges from the Foundation Circle fulfill the annual operations budget, additional fundraising efforts will be employed towards Amplify LIU, the capital growth campaign and subsequently applied to LIU beyond endowment funds. Each phase of Plan 2033 builds upon the next phase to create a firm foundation of sustainability for LivingStone’s future.
Why is the Foundation Circle Needed?
For more than a decade LIU’s funding has been inconsistent. As well, the Pandemic years brought about great funding challenges for even the best missions. Pledging mid-term and long-term support has sadly become a thing of the past. With these obstacles, long-term growth and sustainability seem to be unreachable dreams. The Foundation Circle is poised to answer this need for LIU. With the development of this group of leading investors in the future of the university, LivingStone will be able to set its sights on growth in the coming decade.

Who Will Make Up the Foundation Circle?
LivingStone International University continues to grow in its role of transforming the nations of Africa. Students from nine nations have studied in the five schools of business, education, media, information technology, and ministry. Eleven academic programs are offered with many new ones to come.
Most importantly, though, students are mentored into a relationship with Jesus Christ and baptized. Then the mission passes on to them of being disciples that make other disciples, everywhere they go after graduating. LIU is in need of a funding plan by which LivingStone can secure its future.
For more than twelve years, hundreds of individuals and many churches and foundations have invested in LIU to sustain this wonderful mission in Africa. Now is the time to grow this great university’s capacity. This can be accomplished through LIU’s newly minted Foundation Circle. The leaders of LIU are searching for those ready to take part in the future of God’s Kingdom in Africa.
The Foundation Circle Pavilion
Decide now to be one of the members of the Foundation Circle of LIU. You will be honored for your visionary gift when we build the Foundation Circle Pavilion where a stone with your name on it will be laid in the very walls of this gathering place. As well, you will receive an annual commemorative gift of each year’s Foundation Circle coin.

“You yourselves, like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
I Peter 2:5

Are you ready to make an eternal impact in the lives of future leaders of Africa?
We invite you to partner with us and become a member of the LIU Foundation Circle.
Ways You Can Get Involved:
Mail your partnership gift to:
Livingstone International University
PO Box 820097
Fort Worth, TX 76182
Let’s chat about your partnership:
Email us to learn more: