Be Part of Africa’s Transformation
At LivingStone International University, we know that empowering Africa’s future leaders requires more than just academic programs. It requires committed partners who believe in our mission and are ready to help us achieve it. Your support, whether through prayer, service, or financial contributions, plays a crucial role in the success of our students.
Investment Goals
100 Investors at $10,000 Each
$3M by July 31, 2025
LIU Beyond

What Makes LIU a Great Investment?
IMPACT ON AFRICA LIU is well positioned in the Pearl of Africa, Uganda. With no visa requirements for residents of East Africa, this allows LIU to serve all the nations surrounding it. As well, when the students graduate, they can work anywhere in East Africa without a visa requirement. This means that all graduates will have the opportunity to serve and grow God’s Kingdom and be employable in the nation of their choice.
ACADEMIC OPPORTUNITIES LIU works uniquely with each student, setting them up for success while on campus, as well as after graduation. Studies in relevant fields such as computer science, business, and agriculture provides LIU graduates with opportunities for immediate employment or entrepreneur possibilities. LIU adds new academic programs annually in order to remain relevant in the changing economic landscape.
DISCIPLES TRANSFORMING AFRICA Spiritual growth is a priority through regular chapel services, Bible classes and ministry studies. The campus chaplain serves and assists the growing disciples. Preparing disciples that make other disciples through LIU expands the goal of all becoming ‘living stones’ of Jesus.

“My dream is to help people in Africa. I would like to help in controlling the scarcity of food. I would like to deal with food production, mainly, which is one of the problems in the sub-Saharan region in Africa.”
Bob, Business Administration Major
A Word From the Board – Mr. Craig Stone
I know that there are many great works you can support. However, I think I can make an argument that you won’t find a cause that is better poised to have a tremendous impact than LIU.
Over the last few years on approximately $1 million per year, LIU has been graduating 80-100 disciple makers per year into churches, schools and businesses. I love missionaries, but a Christian University is much more efficient, productive and sustainable than sending a team of U.S missionaries who would consider it a huge success to produce 100 disciple makers over 10 years and cost $3 million over that time. Yes, Africa needs more missionaries, orphanages and relief programs, but compared to a Christ centered education that meets their physical needs and frees them to share Jesus with their friends, families and communities, I can make a strong argument that LIU is more efficient, productive and sustainable. Africans, teaching, employing, loving and sharing Jesus with other Africans is a much more sustainable model to reach Africa than sending US missionaries and relief workers. Imagine if LIU’s annual budget was $5 million and it could turn out 500 graduates a year into the Kingdom, this can soon be a reality through LIU.
I invite you to join us by investing eternally in Livingstone International University as we work together to transform Africa for God’s glory.
“What are the greatest returns you could imagine? They are the returns that last forever.”

Ways to Partner
Pray: Join us in prayer for the university’s needs and mission.
Serve: Spread the word or participate in our short-term projects in Uganda.
Support: Your financial partnership invests in the education of Africa’s future leaders.

Ways You Can Get Involved:
One-time or monthly recurring gifts via credit card or bank draft by visiting our donate page:
Livingstone International University
PO Box 820097
Fort Worth, TX 76182
You can donate securities to LIU as well. The tax deductible donation will be received in
less than 48 hours.
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Harmony Project International – Livingstone International University