Join us in lifting up the needs of LivingStone International University.
Host an informal gathering for LivingStone in your community or church. Weʼll travel to you, or we can provide an information packet including promotional materials, videos and current opportunities.
We need the story of LivingStone told to more people, giving them an opportunity to be a part of this exciting, God-sized, adventure! If you are interested, please contact us and we will equip you to tell the LivingStone story.
Generous partners are essential to our work. At LivingStone, it is an investment in the future of a young leader, who will transform their community and ultimately, Africa-at-large. Invest with us.
Opportunities to work with LivingStone International University in Uganda are available for both short-term and long-term commitments.
Current and future opportunities include:
Assisting with faculty needs
Various construction/maintenance projects
Working to improve computer labs
Hosting sports camps for college students
Teaching various short-term courses
Assisting in developing e-learning
If you are interested in visiting LIU in Uganda, please contact us.